The (Energy Audit) E-Audit Pro Energy Monitoring and Control System is a state-of-the-art
system for use in residential, commercial, and government buildings and small industrial
complexes. A real-time web based power usage monitor. The end result is a live chart in a
web page that updates every 5 seconds with the instantaneous power usage The system allows
the user to monitor energy usage, there by managing energy use through awareness of energy
use and costs. Energy use and alerts can be presented on a custom display, computer, over
the Internet, on mobile devices or by text or email messages. Colored LEDs alert the user to
rate-tier changes, high demand, cost or other user-defined parameters. Optionally, the
system can be configured to automatically adjust thermostat settings or turn off loads based
on user-selectable criteria such as cost of electricity, total use, cost, time of day,
budget, or request from a utility or electric provider. The system is designed to work on
any single or 3-phase electrical system anywhere in the world and is compatible with
numerous energy or demand-rate billing systems, including fixed, time-of-use, step/tiered,
demand, or any combination of those mentioned. The system also fixed charges, and fuel
surcharges to accurately reflect the monthly electric bill. The basic system consists of an
MTU and an ECC, descriptions of each follow below. The Measuring Transmitting Unit (MTU)
measures the energy consumption, demand, voltage, current. MTU Pro is designed for 3-phase
systems in small to medium size commercial, institutional and industrial environments. It is
suitable for any 3-phase system up to 400A, 440V. (upgrade as requirement). The Energy
Control Center (ECC) is the communication hub for the system. It receives raw energy-use
data from the MTU(s), interprets the data and calculates the current energy cost, cost
today, month-to-date, etc. The ECC can be configured to communicate with display devices,
computers, networks, mobile devices, thermostats, and load control devices via Ethernet,
WiFi or GPRS. System can be configured to send text or e-mail alerts using ( Energy Audit)
E-Audit Pro2 software. Multiple ECCs in multiple locations can be monitored via the internet
using Web based server software System and Utility Rate setup is simple and intuitive using
a PC running our web-based setup wizards. For Utilities, rates and setup configuration can
be pre-programmed making the entire system plug-and-play To this basic system can be added
numerous options: